today went to lowyat plaza from my college which is NILAI!!! far oh....we go in the noon so wont be so hot but today's weather is extremely dry and hot lar...haiz....wat a weather....then reach thr go help my cousin buy the 2GB M2 mmc for her phone which cost around rm35 and then walk walk walk then help a fren's fren to buy a bluetooth earpiece which is i-Tech II Clip mini tat cost around rm100. Then we go to petaling street to buy dried meat, this is becoz my cousin wan 2kg sumore so cost around rm133 over again...wa...poor liao!!! haha...need to ma fan a fren of mine which have to bring those thgs back to tawau for me...hehe...thx ya william...and oso danny coz today oni we 3 walk around and buy thgs...haha...we eat McD oso lor...let u c some pic of it...kaka....
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no spend d??? socai