Oh yes.....today 30th April 2009...i'm waiting for my result to come out at the 12am and lastly i can c my result ad...oh yes.... my result is nice for me....uh huh!!!! LOVE IT!!!!
Thx god for letting me get such result n reli reli wan thx to him...
My result is PASS for all subject!!! YES!! then i get 1 A, 2 A-, 1 C & 2 P....hehe....yes yes yes!!!
Today, my fren which is Vivian Lo come to INTI already!!! OMG....another tawau ppl!! Then another is her fren which is Peggy...haha...now more n more tawau ppl come to study in INTI...y ? i duno ...mayb gt many frens here gua... but today i'm a bit sori to her cz nt being in INTI when she arrive n i'm on the way to Serdang to send my "Tour Guide" bak hse. Lucky i stil rmb my Mr.Jacky which is in INTI tat time...hahaha...call jacky ask him go help vivian n her fren too...they live in the 4th floor!! OMG again...sooooo....haha...then my Mr.Jacky help them carry 6 luggage oh...walaoeh...lucky my Mr.Jacky is a MUSCULAR guy so nt a problem for him o...XD...thx ya jacky..haha...then in the nite we bring them go out to have our dinner n then we bring them go to Giant in Nilai... we again go to thr by Wee Tung's car but tis time u noe how many ppl n how we seat in the car?? u cant imagine it...Wee Tung as driver(1ppl),me n danny sit in the front seat(2ppl),behind seat gt Soon Soon, Jacky, Shuk Ai,Vivian & her fren peggy(5ppl)...WALAOEH!!!! a proton waja can fit in soooo many ppl...hahaha... we go to Giant Nilai n bought thgs, tis is the BIGGEST Shopping Centre for Nilai ad so i ask them buy the thgs they need lor...they reli buy a lot ooo(kai wan xiao)...haha...then when we finish buy all those thgs then we go bak to INTI lur....once reach thr then me n danny help vivian n her fren to carry their thgs up to 4th floor..haha...so geng leh my danny..XD...their room reli LARGE eh for 2 person....can open party ad tat room...haha....after tat then we go bak to our own room n i start write tis post lor...XD
Today leh, our Mr.Wee Tung gt car cz his sister go bak to hometown ad so he can use car for a few days. Then at the afternoon he bring us go to Mc Donald to eat our lunch. Of coz my Serdang "Tour Guide" is going with us which is our Ms.Tracy...XD... We order 3 large Big Mac set lunch which cost rm7.95 for 1 set of it n total for the meal after adding the tax service is rm28.95 like tat...
After we take our lunch then we start our trip to send our precious "Tour Guide" bak to Serdang oh... We go on the high way n using GPS to help us for a little guide on sending her bak to her hse.... During our journey we talk a lot...haha... by then once we reach Serdang we r nt sending her bak home 1st...we go South City thr to have our tea break at Old Town this shop...haha... having the famous chocolate toast and my white coffe mocha thr....we enjoy our meal and then lastly start to send her back to hse...on the way i found the pasar malam tat we go on monday nite and i took the pic of the bus stop where we waiting for the bus tat pasby the Serdang KTM station...haha...memorable?? nola...take it for fun....XD
After send tracy to her hse then i LOCATE it in my GPS system!!!LOL...so next time can go find her ecly...XD... This time we r goin bak to INTI without any guide...reli fully depends on GPS...so we follow the road tat guide by the GPS..although the road tat it guide is following the official road which have to passby the toll and pay then we have to go through it lor...pay the toll then go bak to INTI...lucky once almost reach Nilai then the phone BATTERY EMPTY!!! haha...reli lucky for us...but on the way we facing heavy rain n lucky tat we can arrive to Nilai safely...thx god for it. hehe.
Monday we go to Serdang from our college. We plan to gather at the time of 11am but at last we oni go to ktm at the time of 11.40am...then around 12pm then we able to sit inside KTM...haha.... then we reach Serdang KTM station around 12.35pm or late a bit coz the tren gt delay...once we reach thr lei we walk to the Mines shopping mall thr...for our 1st time to go of cz nid ask ppl lar since our "Tour Guide" Ms.Tracy haven reach ktm to collect us leh...
After we walk n walk n walk then ask ppl whr is Mines shopping mall then who noes it is jz right infront of us but nid walk in to a tunnel lar so we cant c wat is in front thr lo.....
1st we reach thr then go find the dealer lor...get phone then wait for our Mr.Jacky and Ms.Shuk Ai + Mr.Wang Bo...haha...they reach a bit late coz they miss the tren and when they r in the tren then the tren gt prob n delay 15minutes.,..wahaha...so unlucky oh...
While we waiting for jacky them, our "Tour Guide" arrive with her sleepy face...XD
After a while the jacky's group reach ad and we go eat RAMEN!!!! haha....last time plan to eat but din eat dao so tis time must eat....i eat ramen and my seafood ramen around rm16.80 + ebiko rm3.00 which is ala carte. We enjoy our meal by talking n eating lor and tat jacky competite wif wang bo by eating WASABI...haha then jacky drop down some TEARS...so gai zai... The ebiko i forget to take pic ad eat 1 so only can take pic of 1 piece ebiko. haha...then another tat is seafood ramen..then the next tat i oso forget wat name ad...and next oso forget but tat is the meal tat take by jacky.
人 除了“债”之外,还要经历人生的“生 老 病 死”的阶段和“喜 怒 哀 乐”的感受。所以,有人说:“当人容易,做人难”。
This content i was copy from my Da Jie which is study in UKM...hehe..quite meaningful
today went to lowyat plaza from my college which is NILAI!!! haha...so far oh....we go in the noon so wont be so hot but today's weather is extremely dry and hot lar...haiz....wat a weather....then reach thr go help my cousin buy the 2GB M2 mmc for her phone which cost around rm35 and then walk walk walk then help a fren's fren to buy a bluetooth earpiece which is i-Tech II Clip mini tat cost around rm100. Then we go to petaling street to buy dried meat, this is becoz my cousin wan eat....buy 2kg sumore so cost around rm133 over again...wa...poor liao!!! haha...need to ma fan a fren of mine which have to bring those thgs back to tawau for me...hehe...thx ya william...and oso danny coz today oni we 3 walk around and buy thgs...haha...we eat McD oso lor...let u c some pic of it...kaka....
yesterday nite after playing basketbal direct go n have dinner wif my frens then go bak my room n clean my room. WAO!!! So tough to clean room....hehe...coz lazy lor....after clean all room and my table and my notes all...WAO!!! again coz my room is so clean! and i even clean the fan of my room..haha...but after tat problem come which is headache!! Argh!!! PAIN!!! then took panadol n have a sleep so now i'm quite energitic in the midnite time..haha...wonder how great is mother because they can clean our house and room .....thx to my mom for wat she done for me...i love u mum!! hehe...
today my last paper of final exam has past away!!!!!!!! I AM FREE!!!! HAHAHAHA
today's exam i'm quite satisfy with it coz almost all i can ans the question uh...thx god oh....
now jz wait the result of my all subject come out n start today gonna plan for going somewhr else....kekeke
ARGHHHH!!!!!!! today's java final paper i have lost around 26/100 marks...although nt confirm bout it but i stil consider it as losing the marks....haiz.....
today my MPW moral education final is over....haha....quite tough for me the question coz all using somethg like philosopher's language...but at least i stil can write all although duno the answers is correct or wrong but i have to gv it a try oso coz i nid 1 more marks oni to pas tis subject....however i wish i could get at least a B for tis subject so my result paper looks much more nicer..keke
Lastly i'd finished my presentation and test of all the subjects tat i taken. Now i'm start study and revision for my coming final exam. I MUST DO WELL!!! coz i do not want to regret wif it and i dun wan to dissapointed my family members and my cousin so i must strive for it and do well... Gambateh to my frens as well...keep it up!!
again i go take my dinner at tat shop, order my meals and my drinks but at last oni my drinks served. Even my fren had finished their meals but mine stil nt even served and lazy to order to tat stupid AUNTY A....so direct go without telling them, duno how to do busines meh, nt 1st time like tis ad. Direct went bak to dining hall and da bao thr more fast than eat at stupid Wong Kwok Corner.....rubbish shop....wont go anymore...BAD SERVICE!!!!
recently duno "WHY" my feeling like tis again....haiz....suffering+wondering.....
anyway, from 5 presentation i had 2 down, then later 1 more wil b coming down and 2 more wil be tml. 1 test on thursday and saturday final, monday tuesday final...anyway work hard in this week n strive til the end then solve it so now mayb i jz can oni tel tat person "sorry"....hope tat person may understand and i do not mean to do somethg tat ------....so i work hard for final 1st. Gambateh Frenz.
With a downloaded template and keep on trying in editing the inner html code, i manage to change it to my desire looks...feels great...haha....although tis coming week wil b very very bc til no gap in between for me to take a deep breath but i stil wil work harder to do my best of coz....during the coming holiday i think i wil cr8 a One Piece template out....hahahaha...cant wait